PAR WARS: THE FINAL ROUND The Sub Par Golfer’s Account ROUND NINE – KA’ANAPALI This was make or break time. The last round at a difficult course, a round that could spell the end of Par Wars 2016. I’d already had a massive argument with my family that morning about Trump, so I wasn’t off to a […]
golfing in the rain
How To Make a Poor Man’s Golf Bag Rain Cover

Wanna head out on the course knowing that you’re more prepared than a boyscout? Wanna push the boundaries of what’s socially acceptable on the golf course? Then this project is for you. You’re just 4 steps away from transforming a garbage bag into its second most useful purpose (its first being ‘filling it with refuse’). […]
How to Golf In the Rain

Now, I’m a fair-weather golfer, but it never hurts to get wet once in a while. Chances are one day the weather will turn on you mid-round faster than a dingo on a baby, and you’ll do well to be prepared on how to manage when things get wet.