On the day the UK has announced their latest lockdown measures and while France is on day 8 of lockdown, I can’t help but daydream of the possibility of our golf course opening again. While the chances of a lockdown ending anytime soon seem to be dwindling day by day (some are predicting the lockdown […]
New LPGA Dress Code Is A Joke

A new policy will take effect this weekend on the LPGA, a crackdown on “plunging necklines” (how plungy?) and exposed “bottom areas” (how bottomy?). Last September I wrote a blog post about this very topic, so my feelings are pretty clear. At the time I believed we as golfers were moving into more progressive territory […]
New Golf Rules My Arse

In case you haven’t already heard, the R&A and USGA have come up with a list of proposed rule changes to the game of golf. Now, I’ve spent a lot of my available mental memory storing these rules and regs (to the detriment of remembering names of people I’ve known for less than three years). […]
Chicks Should Be Able to Dress More Freely on the Course

It wasn’t that long ago that bare shoulders, exposed knees and “GASP!” a bit of thigh were banned at golf clubs everywhere. There are still plenty of strict dress code regulations to keep retired member’s heart rates down, but more and more clubs are slackening the rules to allow more self-expression and, in some cases more […]
Do We Need to Rewrite the Game of Golf to Keep It Alive?

If you can take your eyes off the fact that it looks as if this man’s glasses are photoshopped on his face long enough to read what he’s saying, you’d see that Keith Pelley believes “golf needs to embrace a younger audience or get left behind.” Now, I tend to agree with this, because every […]