In case you haven’t already heard, the R&A and USGA have come up with a list of proposed rule changes to the game of golf. Now, I’ve spent a lot of my available mental memory storing these rules and regs (to the detriment of remembering names of people I’ve known for less than three years). […]
rules of golf

PAR WARS: ROUND 4 THE COMPETITION The rules of PAR WARS are simple. We play matchplay with handicaps (Phil is giving me two strokes this trip). Whoever wins the most rounds in a holiday is the winner, and she or he gets to feel smug in victory until the next vacation. ROUND FOUR The Sub Par Golfer’s […]
Rule of the Day

Golf is nothing if not a game of rules. And regulations. And ‘etiquette’ (a nice word for more rules). It’s nearly impossible to know every rule for every situation, but regularly brushing up on them is a good way to keep sharp. Check back here regularly for a ridiculous Rule of the Day and impress your […]
Golf for Thickies

I have a surprising amount of friends who don’t know A THING about golf, despite my repeated attempts to talk ceaselessly about it at dinner parties. These are educated, well-read people, but when it comes to golf they’re more Clueless than Alicia Silverstone – in Blast from the Past (he’s been underground since 1965, idiot!). […]
Do We Need to Rewrite the Game of Golf to Keep It Alive?

If you can take your eyes off the fact that it looks as if this man’s glasses are photoshopped on his face long enough to read what he’s saying, you’d see that Keith Pelley believes “golf needs to embrace a younger audience or get left behind.” Now, I tend to agree with this, because every […]