It’s not always easy to keep focus during golf, especially when your golf buddies are hell-bent on jazz-handing their way into your consciousness. When you’re trying to hit the perfect shot or sink that clutch putt, a thoughtless cough, sneeze or muted shuffling through one’s bag could send you into a tailspin of frustration. Don’t […]
bad golf
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Learn When It’s Time to Take a Break From Golf

Ugh. Sometimes golf is a complete pain. I can hear some of you now, sarcastically whining “oh no, you have to play GOLF, you poor thing…” — well yeah, good point, but also, shaddup. Yes, it’s a privilege to play golf, yadda yadda yadda. But I can still complain. Why? It’s my blog. Sometimes, after […]
Golf Club de Chamonix Course Review

What can you say about a course that you know inside out? A course that, despite knowing it better than a fat kid knows the inside of a crisp packet, still manages to surprise you, sneak up and destroy your card in the span of a hole. When I’m playing a round at another course […]
How To Keep Motivated When You’ve Just F***ed Your Card

You’ve just rocked up to a great course, with a world of possibilities in front of you, and you get a goddamn triple on the first. Sometimes you start to think, “That’s it, I’m screwed.” Sometimes you think, “OK, bad first hole but I’ll try to recover.” Because remember that time you had an awful first hole, […]